Why Your Puppy Needs Obedience Lessons

Why Your Puppy Needs Obedience Lessons

13 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you were one of the millions of Americans who adopted or purchased a dog during the quarantine of COVID-19, that puppy is likely old enough now to need some manners. There are many dog obedience courses that you could enroll your dog in, but are they worth the time and money? It is possible to train your dog yourself, though it takes quite a bit of time, consistency, and know-how. Here are a few reasons you may just want to pay the money to get into dog obedience classes with your pooch.

Orderly Lessons

With all of the information available on the internet and all of the things you want to teach your dog, it can sometimes be hard to know where to start. The beauty of dog obedience courses is that they break down the order of what you should teach your dog and take out the guesswork. Obedience classes can help you to know where to focus your efforts and also how to train them in a way that your dog will understand. 


While you could try to go at it alone, many people choose to take their dog to classes because of the support the staff offers. If you begin training and it isn't quite as smooth as you had hoped, the teachers of obedience lessons can help you know what things you could improve, or how to get through to your dog more effectively. For example, you may be trying to teach your dog using treats, but maybe they aren't hungry! Many teachers suggest waiting to feed your dog until after the class is over so that they have worked up an appetite. 


One of the biggest benefits of obedience classes is the fact that your dog will be meeting other people and their dogs. So many problems can arise from a puppy who has not had enough experience with other people. That's because they have not had enough interactions to know how they should act. If your dog gets absolutely nothing else from obedience lessons, at least they will learn how to socialize a bit. 

In conclusion, unless you are absolutely sure about how, what, and when you are going to train your dog, you could probably benefit from obedience classes. They really work to simplify the process of training your dog, along with giving you all of the tools and support you need to do it well. For more information, find a dog obedience class near you. 

Sign up for dog obedience lessons in your area to get the help you need.

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Pet Training: A Blog for the Masses

This website is a place where you can read about pet training. Discover training techniques you have never heard of before. Pick up on some tips to help your dog get over his difficulty with the "sit and stay" command. Learn which breeds of dog are the easiest to train, and gain a little insight into training cats, too. The topic list is endless, and we could go on and on. However, we think it's best if you just start reading. Dig in, read a few articles, and see what you learn. Your pet will benefit from what you learn, too.
